Here’s a mix of fun and sobering facts. Reflect. Enjoy. Learn. Grow. Share. Make a difference. You’ll find my week 11 training updates and pictures after the data.
Number | Description |
121 million | ~# of people in world who suffer from depression (Healthline) |
42,000 | ~# of people who committed suicide in the U.S. in 2015 (AFSP) |
31,000 | # gallons of sweat that 26,000 people running the Boston Marathon could produce (ick) (Boston Marathon) |
27,167 | # of people who started the 2015 Boston Marathon (BAA) |
26,598 | # of people who finished the 2015 Boston Marathon (BAA) |
10,000 | # of lives I pledged to touch while raising awareness to suicide prevention |
500 | # of suicide attempts in the U.S. in the time it takes ME to run the Boston Marathon |
126 | # of people who have donated to help me save lives so far (THANK YOU!) |
117 | ~# of people who die by suicide each day (AFSP) |
53 | # of miles I ran in 8 days last week |
37 | age of my sister, Katherine, when she died of suicide |
26.2 | # of miles in a marathon |
21 | marathon mile marker when many runners may hit “the wall” |
20.5 | Boston marathon mile marker when you hit “Heartbreak Hill” |
20 | # of suicides in the U.S. in the time it takes ME to run the Boston Marathon |
11 | # of people over age 80 who started the Boston Marathon in 2015 (BAA) |
11 | # of people over age 80 who finished the Boston Marathon in 2015 (BAA) |
1 | # of people that it takes to MAKE A DIFFERENCE (you!) |
In the span of eight days I did a 17-mile run, 5-mile, 8-mile with seven full hills, 5-mile, and an 18-mile run. And I took two naps 🙂 The 17-mile run was dark, below zero, windy and snowing. Blah. The 18-mile run a week later was supposed to hit 50 degrees but instead I ran early in the day so I didn’t see anything above 35F (but it was the first time I only wore two shirts & only one pair of gloves, in a very long time!). It rained the day before so the entire 18-miles was an adventure in not trusting any of my steps. I didn’t fall but I had many, many, many slips and near misses. This was the closest I’ve come to quitting a run this year – not because I was tired, but because it was so slippery EVERYWHERE. My picture below doesn’t do it justice. Regardless, the 18 miles felt really good. Could I do another 8 miles? Yep…uh, maybe…I’d at least give it a shot now 🙂
Here’s my 17-mile run.
And here’s my 18-mile run just a week later. Weather is getting nice. Crazy it is February with these high temps (it’s all a matter of perspective).
Ice. Ice. And more ice on my 18 mile run. When it looked dry it was ice. When it looked wet it was ice. When it looked icy it was ice. I’ll soon find out what muscles I was using to stabilize – hope those muscles are the same ones that will get me through Boston!
Here’s data from my “7 full hills” day. My phone still hasn’t quite figured out where I am on the hills. The red line should be going between 806 elevation up to 933 elevation each time. Honest – I run all the way down – I’d only be cheating myself 😉 And the blue line…well, let’s just say I’m not quite as fast going up as I am going down. And does this picture look like 50F and sunny to you? Me neither.
As of this post I’m at $11,040. The support I’ve received so far has been absolutely AMAZING!!! I am so touched and blessed to get this support and honor my sister’s life. WE are saving lives!!! YOU can still help with a donation by clicking here. I’m chasing that NEXT $10,000!
As always, I can’t thank you all enough for reading these messages, being there for those around you, and helping fight the stigma of suicide and mental illness. WE are saving lives. Thank you.
Interesting facts. I’m glad you shared them. Also just read again “I remember” and looked at your Pinterest collection. Thanks for your efforts to inform, inspire and give us all a boost. Likewise, I hope others are letting you know they are reading your Blog and giving you a boost as you train. Looks like you are having a little warmer weather. Hope it is making the training a little easier. Keep up the good work. We are with you all the way.
I’m glad you liked the facts. I too go back and read “I Remember” and a few of my other earlier posts from time to time – it can be tough, but I’m so glad I captured my thoughts and memories from that point in time. Take care – see you soon!